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A Federally Recognized 501c3 Charity Organization
27 Main St, Spencer, MA 01562, call or text 774-262-5998

Who am I?

My name is Eric LaFleche, I started this program in December of 2020. It started as a thought to help 5 families by the end of the year (2020).
Fast forward to nearing the end of January, 2021 and I made my 77th family delivery on Saturday, January 30th. To say I'm amazed by the support for this program would be an understatement.
The idea of this was to supply families who are struggling a way to receive relief, though food and household items. I go shopping for every family and have now really learned to streamline the purchases, this leads to more value for every donated dollar.
Non-perishable food donations have really allowed me to stretch the dollar. I am so thankful for every donation. Whether its of the monetary or food/household items. All of it matters and allows me to help the less fortunate.
I was born and raised in a little town in Vermont, moved away to join the United States Air Force in 1991, served in Desert Storm and was Honorably Discharged in 1997. I moved to Massachusetts in 2000 and have resided in Spencer, MA since.
I work in the Hydro Electric industry and been employed at FirstLight Power in CT since 2004. I have four adult children and two young grandchildren.
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